Painting with liquid Watercolour


Aqua Pigment is liquid and can be widely used, i.e. on designs drawn with a pen or a pencil. Here we are demonstrating the various techniques for painting on traditional watercolour paper and on imitation rice paper.

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1.   The watercolour paint, liquid Aqua Pigment, can be used on several types of paper including normal paper. It is challenging, but the paints can be mixed.
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2.   Draw a design on the (watercolour) paper with a black permanent marker or use an oil pastel. It has the advantage that it prevents the watercolours from spreading onto areas on the paper that you want to be left clear.
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3.   Important: Attach the watercolor paper tightly onto a flat surface using masking tape along all sides. This prevents the paper from bowing when working with wet paint. Use the same procedure when using imitation rice paper, but remember to place a piece of absorbant paper with plastic underneath.
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4.   The wet on wet technique which makes the paint spread into the paper fibres: Moisten the paper (shown here with a pencil-drawn design) with a sponge and paint.
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5.   The wet on dry technique for painting on defined areas like the example shown here on the paper with the marker-drawn design: Saturate a wet brush into the liquid paint and paint.
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6.   The liquid watercolour paint “runs” in particular on the thin and transparent imitation rice paper. We recommend drawing the design with a pen after colouring rather than before. Both are possible and each give a different look.
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7.   The masking of areas on the paper technique, where no paint is wanted: Use small pieces of masking tape and remove these after the painting process.
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