Spring decorations for the entire family


Gather the entire family and make lots of decorations in fun, fresh spring pastels. There’s something at every level of difficulty, so both young and old can join the fun. Make cute figures out of egg trays, beaded eggs with silk ribbon and easy pipe cleaner eggs with cardboard cutouts and fuse beads. You can also make lovely spring flowers out of egg trays or easy and elegant flowers out of cardboard.

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How to do it
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1   Cut off the top of the egg trays to use for the small chickens. You will need two per chicken.
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2   Cut the edges straight. The finished height of the chicken is approx. 2 tops x 1.5 cm.
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3   Apply a thin layer of sticky base to the edge of one of the tops.
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4   Glue two tops together.
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5   Paint the tops yellow.
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6   Cut out the beak and feet using the template in the attached PDF.
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7   Glue the beak and feet onto the (dry) chicken's body made out of egg tray tops.
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8   Draw eyes with a marker.
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9   Make the hanger out of a pipe cleaner and add a few fuse beads.
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10   Do not use beads on the first and last 5 cm. Gather the ends and twist the pipe cleaner around 5 cm inwards.
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11   Now twist the ends together to make a small hanging eyelet. Shape the hanging decoration into an egg shape.
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12   Place a dab of sticky base on the bottom of the chicken and attach it to the bottom of the pipe cleaner hanger.
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13   Cut out flower heads in different shapes and colours of cardboard.
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14   Draw flowers on the cardboard shapes with a marker in a contrasting colour.
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15   Prick a hole in the middle of the cardboard flower using the tip of scissors.
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16   Pull a pipe cleaner through the hole in the cardboard flower and add a fuse bead on each side of the cardboard flower to hold the disc in place. Bend the top end twice to prevent the bead from falling off.
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17   Decorate the entire stem/pipe cleaner with a colourful mix of fuse beads.
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18   Here you can get inspired to create different colourful flower heads out of cardboard.
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19   Flower heads can also be cut out of egg trays.
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20   Here you can get inspired to create flower heads with one layer of egg trays or with two.
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21   Paint the flower parts cut from the egg trays.
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22   Draw details in the middle or dots on the flower parts with a marker.
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23   If the flower has several layers, attach them together with a dab of sticky base in the middle of the bottom layer.
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24   Glue the second layer and press down the middle of the first layer of glue.
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25   Prick a hole for the flower stamen in the middle of the flower base using pointed scissors.
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26   Take four flower stamens with beads and bend them in the middle.
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27   Insert the bent end of the flower stamens through the hole. If necessary, use scissors to push it through.
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28   Cut off the ends of the flower stamens on the back of the flower
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29   Here you can find inspiration for different shapes and colours that can be made from egg trays.
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30   Bend a ring horizontally on the floral stem wire. Use round nose pliers if necessary.
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31   Apply a dab of sticky base glue to the back of the egg tray flower.
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32   Glue the floral stem wire to the bottom of the egg tray flower.
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33   Cover the cardboard tube with cardboard and glue it together with a strip of sticky base.
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34   If the cardboard does not fit all the way around, cut an extra strip and glue it on.
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35   Cut two strips that are 1.5 cm wide and 15 cm long for the legs.
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36   Glue together the strips with a little glue to form a loop.
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37   Glue one loop on each side of the tube.
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38   Cut out feet using the template. See the attached PDF.
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39   Glue the two feet under the cardboard tube.
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40   Cut out eyes and tongue for the cardboard figure.
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41   Draw details on the cardboard cutouts with a marker.
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42   Glue on the eyes and tongue and draw a nose and mouth with a marker.
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43   Make peg board eggs. If desired, you can place an image under the pegboard or copy the beads in the picture. Find more designs in the PDF file.
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44   Place baking paper over the beads and iron until the beads melt together.
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45   Pull 20 cm of ribbon through the hanging eyelet and tie it together to form a loop.
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46   Tie a bow around the hanging loop with another piece of ribbon.
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47   Cut random shapes out of cardboard or use from cutouts – this is fun for the littlest ones to do. An adult uses pointed scissors to pierce a hole in the middle of the cardboard.
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48   Thread the cardboard pieces onto a 30 cm long pipe cleaner with fuse beads in between.
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49   Leave the first and last 5-6 cm empty because the ends will be twisted together.
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50   Bend the ends together like a ring and twist them together to form a hanging eyelet on the egg.
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51   Cut different flower shapes out of egg trays, preferably with several layers per flower. Paint the parts with craft paint.
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52   Pierce a hole in the base of the flower using the tip of scissors.
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53   Double a ribbon and pull it through the hole. Tie a knot so that the ribbon does not slip out again through the hole.
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54   Place a little glue on the base to hold both the ribbon and the inner part of the flower in place.
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55   Glue the flower to the hanger.
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56   Cut out a piece of cardboard measuring 6x6 cm and cut fringes on one side for flower stamens.
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57   Roll up the cardboard and glue together on the bottom opposite the fringes.
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58   Add glue to the end of the roll on the glued end.
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59   Glue the flower stamens to the centre of the egg tray flower.
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60   Inspiration for different flowers made from egg trays.
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61   Cut off two tops of an egg tray and make sure they have the same diameter.
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62   Apply glue around the edge of the egg tray top and glue the two tops together to make the body.
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63   Paint the body with craft paint.
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64   Cut the beak and feet out of cardboard. The template for the parts can be found in the PDF.
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65   Cut 30 cm of silk ribbon, double it and tie together with a knot. In the middle of the ribbon, opposite the knot, glue the ribbon with sticky base onto the top of the egg tray figure.
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66   You can also make a green frog with tongue and feet made out of pipe cleaners.
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67   Paint egg trays for the rabbit's ears and eyes, which are cut out of cardboard using a PDF template.
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Template   Print the template here.
Attached file: Download
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More Information

Gather the entire family and make lots of decorations in fun, fresh spring pastels. There’s something at every level of difficulty, so both young and old can join the fun. Make cute figures out of egg trays, beaded eggs with silk ribbon and easy pipe cleaner eggs with cardboard cutouts and fuse beads. You can also make lovely spring flowers out of egg trays or easy and elegant flowers out of cardboard.

More Information
Item numberv17001


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