Social responsibility - a natural part of Creativ Company’s DNA

Physical, mental or social challenges do not have to stand in the way of being part of a good workplace. At Creativ Company, we have been committed to creating a dynamic, inclusive and diverse workplace since we started in 2000. Here, we have room for people who find it difficult to gain a foothold in the labour market for various reasons.

This means, among other things, that 12 percent of the employees in our Danish head office are employed under special terms, such as light-duty and flexijobs. A total of 18 percent of our employees have been or continue to be employed under special terms. Six percent of these are currently employed under ordinary terms.

We will go to great lengths to help an employee who, due to illness, social or family difficulties, needs support or special conditions in the workplace.

We can see that this helps towards achieving our social responsibility goals, while also making good business and financial sense. Being part of a company that helps people who were otherwise locked outside of the labour market makes us particularly proud. It adds a different dimension to the work for all of us, which we don't wish to, and cannot, do without.


Service Centre

As part of our CSR work, in 2006 we established a department we call the Service Centre in collaboration with Holstebro Municipality, with places for 15 people to do practical training, assessment and similar upskilling programmes.

Read more about the Service Centre here

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