Creativ Company’s unique culture

The word culture means 'to cultivate'. Here at Creativ Company, we cultivate something truly unique in our workplace. Visitors and new colleagues describe us as friendly, welcoming, attentive, and helpful, with a focus on equality. We work in a family-like working environment and put our heart into everything we do.


Social events

At Creativ Company, we don't only enjoy our work, but also each other's company. That is why the company and our staff association organise lots of social events, including a Christmas party and summer get-togethers, but we also meet for padel tournaments, Friday after-work drinks, bowling, barbecues, creative workshops, bingo, lectures, and company visits. Each department also organises a social event four times a year, from dinners to footgolf, bike rides, cocktail tastings, moped trips, going to the movies – or whatever else they can come up with. 

Dreaming about the dream factory

Creativ Company started back in 2000 with a dream shared by its two founders, Lotte Littau Kjærgaard and Peter Nørgaard. These two entrepreneurs dreamed of creating a 'dream factory', a vision of the perfect workplace where anything is possible, where employees enjoy family-friendly working hours, benefits, and exciting work tasks. At the dream factory, 'the usual' doesn't apply – here we do things in a way that makes sense for both employees and the business, we aim high and there's opportunities for development, challenges, diversity, play and creativity.  

This vision forms the basis of many of the decisions that have been – and continue to be – made at Creativ Company.


Words of our employees

Below you can read how some of our colleagues or former colleagues experience the culture at Creativ Company. 

Dreaming about the dream factory

Creativ Company started back in 2000 with a dream shared by its two founders, Lotte Littau Kjærgaard and Peter Nørgaard. These two entrepreneurs dreamed of creating a 'dream factory', a vision of the perfect workplace where anything is possible, where employees enjoy family-friendly working hours, benefits, and exciting work tasks. At the dream factory, 'the usual' doesn't apply – here we do things in a way that makes sense for both employees and the business, we aim high and there's opportunities for development, challenges, diversity, play and creativity.  

This vision forms the basis of many of the decisions that have been – and continue to be – made at Creativ Company. Read the full dream here læs hele drømmen her.


Words of our employees

Below you can read how some of our colleagues or former colleagues experience the culture at Creativ Company. 

Trust, freedom, and limited control result in inner peace of mind and greater productivity

Our department is a fun and enjoyable place to work. And even though we are all quite different, there is an exceptionally good atmosphere and interaction. I think that the trust, freedom, and limited control here bring peace of mind, which makes me more efficient and productive. There is a fundamental belief that employees want what's best for the company, which is why responsibility can be given to everyone. It’s a fantastic arrangement, which means I truly feel a sense of responsibility for the business and not only my small section of it.

Berit, employee since 2017, Exports/FR/DE

Closeness and consideration

There is a lot of openness here, both among colleagues and in terms of information from management. New developments are reported immediately, so that everyone receives the same information at the same time, so we can avoid misunderstandings and gossip. Management is visible and involved on a daily basis, which results in a certain closeness and consideration. Individual employees matter and are not just a piece of the machine. I’m also happy that we can accommodate the fact that people have different needs, and that it’s perfectly okay, for example, if you can't work full-time or if you need special considerations. I’ve not experienced this elsewhere, so it’s impressive how much the human aspect is emphasised here and how much pride there is within the company. It’s an infectious culture that spreads quickly.

Maria, employee since 2017, Marketing

Positive breeds positive

I think it’s hard to say what the culture is because it’s so ingrained here that you don't notice that it’s so special. But when I visit other workplaces, I feel that something is missing. I would definitely miss all the small, everyday things like greeting each other, tidying up after ourselves and each other, talking kindly to each other, doing something extra and showing a genuine interest in each other. It’s not something we have to make an effort to do because that's just the way it is here. Positive breeds positive, so when you do something for others, the kindness grows and spreads.

Anni, employee since 2010, Product and Idea Development

We want the best for each other

Creativ Company is all about people taking care of and caring for each other. The company has grown, and I find that it is busier, but fortunately it has not affected the unwritten rules we have about what good tone is and how we behave and treat each other.

In our department, we can be ourselves at work. We know each other well and don't think any less of someone when they're having a bad day. Humour and jokes are a large part of our everyday lives. No day goes by without us having a good laugh.

Thomas, employee since 2007, IT

Like coming home

I think the culture is welcoming, inclusive, diverse, helpful and family-like. When I first started here, it really felt like coming home. It is not 'dangerous' to make a mistake because we treat each other respectfully under all circumstances and never scold anyone when something goes wrong. This gives a good sense of security.

Another thing that is characteristic of our culture is that we like to celebrate. The reason may be good sales figures or the end of the peak season. But we also celebrate St. Martin's Eve and Halloween, organise a December get-together, attend theatre performances together and celebrate anniversaries. Not to mention all the events organised by the staff association. There are lots of opportunities and occasions for us to get together outside the workplace.

Anne Sofie, employee since 2013, HR

Working 24/7 is not expected or rewarded

At Creativ Company, we always treat each other with respect. We listen to each other, help where we can and don't only think about ourselves and our own tasks. I would say our culture is family-like, heartfelt, and welcoming. It’s just the way it is here, which is also why we don't need a reception desk. Everyone takes responsibility to help our guests.

I think it’s very healthy that overtime is generally not well regarded, so there is a good work-life balance. You're not expected to work all the time. And there’s also the flexibility to plan tasks to fit in with your private life.

Mette, employee since 2012, Procurement

Everyone is equal here

When I started my internship here, it was almost a cultural shock. I wasn't used to everyone talking so much and so respectfully to each other and having fun together. This is completely different from other places where I've worked. It’s the atmosphere and the way everyone treats each other. No one looks at me funny because I’m employed on special terms, and I feel on equal terms with the rest of the group. It means a lot that I can be myself because I can spend my energy on my tasks instead of having to pretend to be something I'm not. It’s thanks to the culture at Creativ Company that I have found the right job for me.

Susan, employee since 2017, Service Centre

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