Foam Rubber Shapes with Limbs from Construction Straws & Beads


Both shapes are made from foam rubber sleeping mat material. A hole punch is used for making holes in the shapes. Long limbs made from floral wire with alternating construction straws and beads are attached to the holes.

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Guide step %d
1.   Cut out a shape from foam rubber sleeping mat material using your imagination. Use a hole punch for making holes where you want to attach the long limbs.
Guide step %d
2.   Cut pieces of floral wire for limbs (i.e. for legs, arms, hair, tentacles etc.). Thread alternating shortened construction straws (cut into small pieces) and beads onto the floral wire. NB: For each bead wrap the floral wire through the hole twice to prevent the bead from sliding over the straw.
Guide step %d
3.   Decorate the shape with circles made from foam rubber sleeping mat material and construction straws. Use Clear Multi Glue gel.
Guide step %d
4.   Tie the long limbs made from construction straws and beads into the holes on the shape. Attach a piece of floral wire at the top for hanging.
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