Angels with a Tray for Christmas Treats


Watercolour paper painted with Plus Color craft paint, A-Color Metallic or Pigment Acrylic paint. A halo and wings made from fibre paper and metallic card are attached. The small tray is ideal for treats.

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How to do it
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1   Make fun paper like this: first prime the watercolour paper with a base coat using Plus Color craft paint, A-Color metallic or Pigment Acrylic paint which can all be diluted with water.
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2   You may make dots with a foam stencil brush. Leave to dry.
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3   Draw a circle for the head and let the children paint it. Leave to dry.
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4   Draw a face with a marker pen and make cheeks and eyes with a colouring pencil.
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5   Cut out the head.
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6   Draw the body with a fabric marker following the shape of the cress figure.
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7   Cut out the body (keep a strip of painted paper for the front of the tray).
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8   Glue the body and the head onto the cress figure using hobby glue.
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9   Make a halo and hands using the template. Cut out.
Attached file: Download
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10   Attach the halo and the hands onto the figure using hobby glue.
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11   Trace wings on metallic card and fibre paper using the template. Cut out.
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12   Attach the fibre paper onto the golden wings using hobby glue.
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13   Glue the wings onto the figure’s back with hobby glue.
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14   Attach sequins onto the figure and the strip for the front of the tray using hobby glue.
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15   Assemble the tray with hobby glue in the corners.
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16   Finally attach the decorative strip onto the front of the tray using hobby glue.
Tips!   When using hobby glue, apply pressure to the glued parts until the glue is dry. Alternatively use pegs to hold the parts together. If you like glitter, sprinkle it into the wet glue. The glue is transparent when dry. The lovely angel trays can be used for: Christmas sweets, cakes, pine cones, small vases or tea lights.
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